Chess, in its recent form, dates back some 500 years. It was then, in the middle of the renaissance, that someone cared to take a less traditionally preoccupied look at the game of Shatranj, that had come from the Arabic world where it had been played for over a millennium. The unknown inventor did good work: he liberated the Bishops, who with their two-square diagonal jump had till then led a crippled existence, and gave pawns the right to promote to any piece, where they had been restricted to the Firzan or Minister, a piece of pathetic weakness, able to move only one square diagonally. But he did more. He took this very Firzan and turned it into a piece of unprecedented strength: the Queen, a piece combining the powers of Bishop (a piece he had just 'invented') and Rook. This was a very bold step. We look upon the Queen as well within the boundaries of balance, but 500 years ago her power must have seemed unbridled. The choice of Bishop and Rook is only natural since they follow the basic patterns of the board. Of course he must have been aware of the other combinations. These other combinations, What made me decide to implement the idea yet again was the fact that nobody did a particularly good job. In Chess as it is played today, the castling rule derives from the fact that Rooks initially are obstructed by their own pawns and pieces. Its easy to get Bishops and Knights out, but without castling, Rooks would be troublesome. Grand Chess was invented a few minutes after I realized that putting all pieces except Rooks on the second rank would solve three problems simultaneously, see diagram.
From this point on everything followed naturally. I wanted to deviate as little as
possible from orthodox Chess, so I 'inserted' the Marshall & Cardinal in the regular
order of pieces. Grand Chess is featured in David Pritchard's The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants (G&P Publications, P.O. Box 20, Godalming, Surrey GU8 4YP, UK. - ISBN 0-9524142-0-1), in R. Wayne Schmittberger's New Rules for Classic Games (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York - ISBN 0-471-53621-0), in Games Magazine (January 1987), in Variant Chess (spring 1996, summer 1997) and in Chess Life (august 1997).
Grand Chess © Christian Freeling. |